
To setup your vendor profile, Southland will need a current W9 plus your choice of electronic options. Please note: your vendor number will be assigned after setup you will not know this number ahead of time.

We have two payment options; therefore, we want to make sure you choose the option that best fits your organization. We are currently offering our vendors either an ePayables initiative or ACH credit.

Option 1: The ePayables initiative gives you a virtual credit card number; therefore, your company would have to have credit card options. We tell you when and how much to run the credit card for. The card is only populated with the amount the vendor is to receive. Payment rendered within 15 days of the date of the invoice. If this option is chosen, please complete the ePayables form linked here. Vendor is responsible for any credit card fees. Charges to Southland Casino/Delaware North may not be increased due to these charges incurred by the vendor.

Option 2: ACH credit electronically funds your account. Payment rendered within 60/90 days of the date of the invoice. If this option is chosen, please complete the ACH form linked here. An e-mail is sent to the e-mail you provide when payment has been submitted to your financial institution for credit to your account of choice.

If you are already a registered vendor with the State of Arkansas, please forward your permit with this packet. If you are not, please read the guidelines below for determining the need for a service industry license.

According to Rule 3.03 page 19-20 of the Arkansas Casino Gaming Rules:

3.03 Determining the Need for a Service Industry License

(a) Any entity which satisfies one or more of the following criteria shall, unless it is otherwise set forth in these Rules, obtain a Service Industry License to carry out business with a Casino Licensee in the State of Arkansas.

i. The entity manufactures, sells or leases, supplies or distributes devices, machines, equipment, accessories, objects or articles which:

(1) Are designed specifically for use in Casino Gaming operations of the Casino Licensee;

(2) Are needed to carry out the activities of an authorized game;

(3) Have the capacity to affect the result of the play of an authorized game; or

(4) Have the capacity to affect the calculation, storage, collection or control of the gross revenues.

ii. The entity provides maintenance services or repairs gaming equipment for Casino Gaming of the Casino Licensee;

iii.The entity provides management or operational services to a Casino Licensee for its Casino Gaming operations.

iv. All other suppliers of materials, maintenance, supplies, management, or operational services. This would include security systems, gaming devices and money handling/storage devices; or

v. The entity is conducting more than $150,000 in business with one Casino Licensee.

If you satisfy one or more of these criteria, please reach out to Jennifer Rushin for your permit. Once received you can forward to us for our records.

Jennifer L. Rushin
Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration
Casino Gaming Section (CGS)
DFA Revenue Tax Division Manager
Office: 501-683-6607 Fax: 501-683-2214

All vendor request forms should be emailed to Amanda Burchett [email protected]

For questions, please call 870-732-8315.